Stone Soup for Sunday July 1 at 4 pm in the Wesley Cottage at Saluda UMC
Regular Potluck--Bring what you want.
sanctuary |ˈsa ng (k) ch oōˌerē|
noun ( pl. -aries)
1 a place of refuge or safety : people automatically sought a sanctuary in time of trouble | his sons took sanctuary in the church.
• immunity from arrest : he has been given sanctuary in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
2 [usu. with adj. ] a nature reserve : a bird sanctuary.
3 a holy place; a temple or church.
• the inmost recess or holiest part of a temple or church.
• the part of the chancel of a church containing the high altar.
ORIGIN Middle English (sense 3) : from Old French sanctuaire, from Latin sanctuarium, from sanctus ‘holy.’ The early sense [a church or other sacred place where a fugitive was immune, by the law of the medieval church, from arrest] gave rise to senses 1 and 2.
What does it mean to have a place of refuge or safety?
What does it mean to have a holy place?
Or maybe the question we should ask is what would it mean to be one of these places.
This Sunday at Stone Soup we'll ask where are sanctuaries today and what would it be like to dedicate ourselves to being one?