Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stone Soup for Sunday July 1 at 4 pm in the Wesley Cottage at Saluda UMC 

Regular Potluck--Bring what you want.

sanctuary |ˈsa ng (k) ch oōˌerē|
noun ( pl. -aries)
1 a place of refuge or safety : people automatically sought a sanctuary in time of trouble | his sons took sanctuary in the church.
immunity from arrest : he has been given sanctuary in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
2 [usu. with adj. ] a nature reserve : a bird sanctuary.
3 a holy place; a temple or church.
the inmost recess or holiest part of a temple or church.
the part of the chancel of a church containing the high altar.
ORIGIN Middle English (sense 3) : from Old French sanctuaire, from Latin sanctuarium, from sanctus ‘holy.’ The early sense [a church or other sacred place where a fugitive was immune, by the law of the medieval church, from arrest] gave rise to senses 1 and 2.

What does it mean to have a place of refuge or safety?
What does it mean to have a holy place?
Or maybe the question we should ask is what would it mean to be one of these places.

This Sunday at Stone Soup we'll ask where are sanctuaries today and what would it be like to dedicate ourselves to being one?

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Stone Soup for June 24 is Camp Meeting style. We'll meet at 4 p.m. at the Wesley Cottage and from there we'll head on down to Columbus UMC. They have invited us for a summer church picnic. We'll play some games outside and then take requests for singing, read scripture and share our journeys. Columbus UMC will provide burgers and hot dogs while we bring potluck to go along with it. We should be back up the mountain before 6:30. See you then...
Ask me about Annual Conference

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Saluda Stone Soup Meets this Sunday 6/17/12 at 4 p.m. in the  Wesley Cottage.

In our ongoing desire to learn new and renewed ways of being in worship, we will experience the prayerful practice of walking a Prayer Labyrinth.
For dinner, we'll provide corn on the cob you bring what you would like to go with it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stone Soup is on Saturday this week!

Saluda Stone Soup for the week ending June 10.
We are meeting this week on Saturday evening.
School is out on Friday and Family camping will be at Orchard Lake Campgrounds June 8 and 9.
Saturday night we'll meet at 6 p.m. for a Mexican Theme Pot Luck at the group camping area.
At 7 p.m., we'll have worship around the campfire.
Our scripture will be Matthew 15:10-20. We'll begin a discussion on the power of words.
If you want to camp any of those nights, it is $8 per person. It is $5 per person for the day and the use of all the facilities.
Edna McKee will make breakfast for us on Saturday morning.
You need to plan full meals for your crew for other times.  

Last week we talked about Holy Communion while the bread was baking in the  oven. We feasted on the Word and then shared communion together. Then as companions (those who share bread) we ate together enjoying all that people brought and the hot bread as well.
Here's a pic and a quote from our Stone Soup experience
For St. Augustine, Holy Communion "is the symbol of what we are." "Because you are the body of Christ and his members, it is your own mystery that lies on the altar, it is your own mystery that you receive...Be what you receive there and receive what you are."
St. Augustine (354-430) (from Sermons 272, 227. cf Constructive Theology)

The door is always open! Come join us...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Stone Soup for 6/3/12 4 p.m. Wesley Cottage.
Bread Night!
We'll bake bread, break bread and have the opportunity to learn about and participate in communion (this is an option).
We'll make plans for the summer and camping next week.
Read Luke 24:13-32 in preparation for our worship time.

Here are some pics from last week
Thanks Katrina!