Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Stone Soup on Holiday until June 1, 2014

Stone Soup will be on Holiday until  June 1,2014.
We are undergoing renovation and looking forward 
to increasing our capacity for awe, encountering the 
Divine God, playing frisbee and sharing a meal with you!

In the interim, we encourage you to try out some traditional
worship with us at Saluda United Methodist Church on Sunday
mornings at 11.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Palm Sunday

Stone Soup will meet this Sunday at 11 a.m. for the Palm Sunday worship celebration.
The worship service will begin with the Procession of Palms by the children and choir.
It is a beautiful way to begin Holy Week which leads up to Easter.
For Stone Soup and others we'll have:
4/13 Palm Sunday at 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary
4/17 Maundy Thursday Communion Service at 7 p.m. (remembering Jesus' Last Supper)
4/18 Good Friday Community Service at Tryon Congregational Church at noon
4/20 Easter Sunrise Community Service on Orchard Hill at 6:45 a.m. with light breakfast to follow in the fellowship hall
4/20 Traditional Easter Service at 11 a.m.

Palm Sunday?
Here's Wiki's response:
Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus'triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in all four canonical Gospels.[3]
In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday includes a procession of the assembled worshipers carrying palms, representing the palm branches the crowd scattered in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. The difficulty of procuring palms in unfavorable climates led to their substitution with branches of native trees, including boxyew,willow, and olive. The Sunday was often designated by the names of these trees, as in Yew Sunday, or by the general term Branch Sunday.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

No Stone Soup because of Memorial Service

We won't have Stone Soup on Sunday 4/6
because of the Celebration of Life for Barbara Siler that afternoon.