Friday, January 25, 2013

Stone Soup for Sunday 1/27/13

Now We're Getting to the Good/Hard Stuff

This week we'll study: Reconciliation as Presence
Making Peace with the Land
Chapter 3: Reconciliation Through Christ
pg. 78 "The history of the civil rights struggle is instructive in this regard. the barriers that divided whites and blacks--which were responsible for so much misunderstanding, pain, violence and death--could not be overcome until whites and blacks committed to living side by side. Authentic reconciliation and community are not possible as long as groups of people view each other from a distance. We need to get close enough to see the pain we are causing each other and to listen carefully so that we can make the changes that will end unnecessary pain. Shared living makes possible the sympathy and the sensitivity we need in order to experience God's shalom and must be shared for it to be comprehended."
This is why last week we looked at learning how to see. We must know to reconcile. We must know each other, the land and even God in order to establish right, life-giving and abundant relationships.

So let's gather Sunday evening, 4 p.m. and consider the beautiful work of reconciliation before us. Bring a song, dance of love, a good joke or a friend and let's share dinner together. Frances is making lasagna and everyone else can bring what needs to go with it. We've even got our own plates now!

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