What are the things that are most important in your life?
How are those things generated, nurtured and preserved?
How do you cultivate those things for your children or the next generation?
How can a group of people "doing church" contribute and facilitate all this?
This is our topic and spiritual feast for this Sunday.
Feb 8 we'll meet in the Wesley Cottage at 4 p.m. for a lively discussion and dinner. Sonya and Thomas are brining chicken and biscuits, everyone else can bring a side dish or a dessert. We'll talk about what kind of church our younger generation needs (and us too!).
Please let Rob know if you are coming Sunday so we can get chicken. text 828-606-3452 or email roberto305@mac.com. Nonetheless, come even if you forget to RSVP, somehow we always have enough.
"They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God. People in general liked what they saw. Everyday their number grew as God added those who were save." Acts 2:42-47 The Message.
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