Friday, January 31, 2014

Sunday Practice

We won't be gathering this Sunday 2/2/14 for Stone Soup. Instead, I pray that where ever you may be this Sunday that you practice this prayer:

"Oh Lord, may my worship be transformed into action
and may my action be transformed into worship!"


(We're putting our finishing touches on our deep winter plans and we'll get fresh schedule out next week.)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Missional Neighborhood

This Sunday we'll study some issues of being a Missional Neighborhood and have Game Night.
We'll meet at 4 and be through by 5:30. We won't have a full meal. Just bring any snacks you want to share while we play board games across the generations.

In a blog on the Missional Wisdom website Clay Horton wrote this: "Living intentionally in a neighborhood changed the way I understand mission and evangelism. Mission and evangelism simply became a part of my lifestyle, not something from a committee at a church. Not only did I pray for my neighbors daily, but I had the opportunity to form genuine relationships with the people in my cul-de-sac. Taking my dog on a walk or even checking my mail became opportunities to share the love of Christ."

We'll talk about Jesus' neighborhood mission in Matthew 4:12-23.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Beloved Community

"The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community, so that when the battle is over, a new relationship comes into being between the oppressed and the oppressor."
Martin Luther King Jr. said this to express that our goal is to come together in love and not be split by the hatred that can divide us.
We'll study some about the the principles within this God-filled kind of love.
Matthew 5:43-49 ‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax-collectors do the same?And if you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.


We're going ICE SKATING Sunday 1/19/14 blending good skaters and not-so-good skaters into one beloved community.
Meet at the Wesley Cottage at 2 p.m. and we'll carpool planning on being back around 6 p.m. The place is Ice On Main in Greenville $10 for adults, $8 for 12 yrs and under.
Bring something snacky we can all share together during skating breaks. If anybody wants to come but not skate that's fine too. Invite some friends it should be fun

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Discerning Where God Is at Work and Getting in It

Have you ever watched a windsurfer? They watch for signs on the water of where the wind is blowing and then they do their best to go get in it. I believe that is how we can live our life in the Spirit too.  Join us this Sunday as we talk about and practice the art of discerning where God is at work around us and how we can get in it.
We'll meet at 4 p.m. at the Wesley Cottage and share a regular potluck with each other.
Peace and Happy Spirit Searching...
Isaiah 42:5-9
Thus says God, the Lord,
   who created the heavens and stretched them out,
   who spread out the earth and what comes from it,
who gives breath to the people upon it
   and spirit to those who walk in it: 
I am the Lord, I have called you in righteousness,
   I have taken you by the hand and kept you;
I have given you as a covenant to the people,
   a light to the nations, 
   to open the eyes that are blind,
to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon,
   from the prison those who sit in darkness. 
I am the Lord, that is my name;
   my glory I give to no other,
   nor my praise to idols. 
See, the former things have come to pass,
   and new things I now declare;
before they spring forth,
   I tell you of them. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Not Doing the Thing We Hate and Doing the Thing We Love

Let's meet Sunday 1/5/14 at 4 p.m. at the Wesley Cottage to work on our habits for the new year. In the book, "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business", Charles Duhigg says that some of the most powerful work we can do with habits requires community and faith. Let's get together as a community of faith and support each other's work in becoming who God calls us to be.Paul says in Romans 7:15, "I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." Let's work on how we can reverse that dynamic with the Holy Spirit and our community, remember, "Habits aren’t destiny, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives." This will be exciting and a perfect discussion to have with our kids too!We'll have a regular pot luck and be through around 6. Now's a great time to establish those healthy habits.